Easy Alpinism in Trentino: South Tyrol Vol 1 Western Valleys

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283 itineraries have been chosen from the most beautiful and imposing peaks of 43 mountain groups, divided into two volumes. The first volume is dedicated to the western valleys, and describes 133 ascents picked from 19 mountain groups to the west of the Adige valley: Sesvenna Group, Venoste and Passirie Alps, Tessa Group, Alpi Breonie di Ponente, The Sarentino Mountains, Ortles Group, Gavia Group, Cevedale Group, Maddalene Chain, Mendola Chain, Adamello Group, Presanella Group, Brenta Group, Cadria Group, Garda Mountains, Dolomiti Bresciane, Tremalzo Group, Monte Baldo and Pizzocolo Group.

All the itineraries described have been selected for their beautiful views and for their difficulty. Few itineraries offer mountaineering difficulties higher than II grade, but not all the ascents are just hikes: some require a good knowledge of progressing on glaciers, the use of a ferrata set as well as being able to scramble on rocks. Finally; there are opportunities for almost all seasons: in both volumes we find itineraries which run along the Alpine Arc with high altitude and ice, to be tackled during summer time, as well as itineraries which lie in mountain groups closer to the Po Valley, therefore possible to visit late autumn or even during dry winters.

Author: Diego Filippi & Fabrizio Rattin
No of Pages: 608
Page Size: 150 x 210 mm
ISBN 10: 8855470922
ISBN 13: 9788855470926
Publisher: Versante Sud
Published Date: September 2022
Edition: 1st: Sept 2022
Binding: Paperback (flapped)
Illustrations: Colour Photographs + Photo-Topos
Weight: 810g


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