Cordillera Cantabricia 2022 Ed

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Sports Climbing in the Cantabrian Mountains is a guide designed and structured as if it were a travel book. A circular journey that begins in the north of Leon, passes through Asturias and ends in the west of Cantabria, covering more than 4000 climbing routes.

Sports Climbing in the Cantabrian Mountain Range outlines more than 320 climbing sectors and more than 5000 climbing routes. You will also find the right information to choose the best sector according to the season, the orientation you like the most, the type of climbing you are most interested in.

Author: Alberto Boaz
No of Pages: 512
Page Size: 150 x 210 mm
ISBN 10: 8412445821
ISBN 13: 9788412445824
Publisher: Ediciones Cordillera Cantabrica
Published Date: May 2022
Edition: 2nd: May 2022
Binding: Paperback (flapped)
Illustrations: Colour Photos + Photo Topos
Weight: 1104g4


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