The Climbing Bible

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More and more people around the world are discovering how great climbing is, both indoors and outdoors. The Climbing Bible by internationally renowned climbers and coaches Martin Mobraten and Stian Christophersen is a comprehensive guide to help you train effectively to become a better climber.
The authors have been climbing coaches for a number ofyears. Based on their own extensive experience and research, this book collates the best European training techniques into one book with information on how to specifically train for the technical, physical and mental performance factors in climbing - including endurance, power, motivation, fear of falling, and much more. It also deals with tactics, fingerboarding and finger strength, general training and injury prevention, injuries related to climbing, and planning for training.
It is illustrated with 400 technique and action photos, and features stories from top climbers as well as a foreword by climber and bestselling authorJo Nesbo. The Climbing Bible will help and motivate you to improve and develop as a climber and find even more joy in this fantastic sport.

Author: Martin Mobraten & Stian Christopherson
No of Pages: 368
Page Size: 200 x 250 mm
ISBN 10: 1912560704
ISBN 13: 9781912560707
Publisher: Vertebrate Publishing
Published Date: September 2020
Edition: 1st, 2020
Binding: Paperback
Illustrations: full colour
Weight: 1116g


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